Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Downside To Working From Home

I really do love being able to make money from the comfort of my own home. There is no commute, no co-worker, no set schedule, so it is ideal for me since I can, in theory, work while watching my toddler.

All of these things are great, but there are disadvantages of working from home as well. The job that I do is one that I have to work a lot to make a decent amount of money. So, I find that I'm working the majority of the day, with playing with Emily and keeping up the house taking up most of the rest of my time. So I get very little time just to myself, and that gets tiring after a while.

I am very grateful that I can work from home and not have to hire daycare for my daughter. But it gets wearing to never get a day off. Today I'm working and I will be tomorrow too, along with all next week. It is my own choice, but I feel the need to be able to earn my own money for my expenses.

Mostly the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, but today I would much rather just veg out. Instead I'll be writing pretty much most of the day.

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  1. I can sympathize. With having a 9-5 cubical job, writing all day on the weekends, and trying to get a few posts up on Wise Bread during the week I feel like I have no time to myself as well. I haven't had a day off in almost two months!

    Fortunately Dragon*con is coming up soon, and I love my writing work. Still beats mining coal. :)

  2. Yeah, I'm trying to work like crazy so I can have some money for Dragon*Con.

    I like my writing work - I wish I could get paid for blogger since that's what I'm best at, but so far no paid blogging jobs.

    I'm just feeling really meh today and I wish I could take that day off.
