Saturday, August 25, 2012

How To Find Me At Dragon*Con!

I'm getting ready for Dragon*Con! This year I'll be on a panel as well as live tweeting for GeekMom. You can follow me at @ChaosMandy at Twitter.

On Friday, August 31, I'll be on the GeekMom panel.

It will be at 1 pm in the Kaleidoscope track room (Marriott Lobby: Marriott L405 - L406). The title of the panel is "Are you a Geek Parent?" It should be a lot of fun!

On Saturday, September 1, I'll be in the parade.

I'll have Emily with me and both of us will be cosplaying as Snow White. We will be marching in the Kaleidoscope section!

On Sunday, September 2, I'll be a judge for the Whedonverse costume contest. 

It will be at 4 pm in Westin International DE. I can't wait to see all the shiny costumes!

I'll also have the GeekMom Pony with me - I'll be taking a lot of pictures of her around the con. I hope to see some of you at the con!

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I Miss You, Mom

Me and my mom
10 years ago today my mom lost her two year battle with cancer. I woke up around this time on that day and I just knew she was gone. My dad and her dad were at her side when she passed away.

I miss my mom everyday. Even though I was 25 years old when she passed away, I wasn't really grown up. I had graduated from college less than a week before she died - an event that she managed to attend. She was very proud of me.

But my mom never met my husband - though she was in the same room with him once. My college best friend married his best friend and we were both in the wedding. That was how we met. But we didn't start dating until after my mom had passed.

And of course my mom never got to meet Emily. That probably makes me more sad than anything because my mom was so looking forward to having grandkids. She would have adored Miss Emily.

I am a Christian so I believe that my mom is in Heaven. She does come to visit every once in a while - I feel her presence sometimes which gives me some peace. And I will see her again someday. But for  now, I miss my mommy and wish she was still her.

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Phineas and Ferb Jello!

I have been neglecting this blog, and I'm sorry about that. I'm really hoping that I'll be able to update it more regularly. I will warn you all that there will be an extra amount of Disney related posts since we are going to be going to Disney World next October.

We watch the various Disney channels quite a bit. One of my favorite shows that Emily really likes is Phineas and Ferb. It's one of the best shows on TV.

This weekend, we were doing some shopping in Walmart. I was getting jello to make some for Emily when I spotted a Phineas and Ferb jello mold. It was only a dollar so I bought it. Tonight I made up some jello.
Phineas, Ferb, Perry and Candace
Dr. Doofenshmirtz and Agent P

It turned out great and I know that Emily is going to be so excited to eat some of the jello for snack time tomorrow.

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